“Towards A Hybrid Future: Edtech Trends And Transformations In Education”

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Priyansh Singh Yadav


Knowing the current is crucial to better comprehend what the future of education will entail. The broad acceptance of online learning is a defining feature of the current EdTech landscape. The COVID-19 pandemic, which compelled schools to close and switch to remote learning, is to blame for this. The epidemic has sped up the adoption of technology in education, forcing many institutions, colleges, and universities to immediately switch to online education in order to guarantee that students may continue their education. Due to the rise in popularity of edtech firms among students who want to further their education online. These platforms provide a variety of courses on numerous subjects, including computer science, business, and history. They give pupils the freedom to study wherever they want, at their own pace. In the field of education, learning management systems (LMS) are also gaining popularity. Schools may deliver online courses and monitor student progress with the help of LMS platforms like Canvas, Blackboard, and Moodle. These systems give teachers the resources they need to organise assignments, generate and deliver online content, and give feedback to students. There are a wide range of other EdTech tools and services that are used in education in addition to online learning and LMS platforms. For example, virtual classes use video conferencing platforms like Zoom and Google Meet, and digital textbooks are gaining popularity as a more accessible and affordable option to traditional textbooks. This paper projects the future of the education sector amidst the rapid changes that are taking place in the teaching and learning environment.



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How to Cite
Priyansh Singh Yadav. (2024). “Towards A Hybrid Future: Edtech Trends And Transformations In Education”. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(4), 3469–3477. https://doi.org/10.53555/kuey.v30i4.2058
Author Biography

Priyansh Singh Yadav

Founder and Chairperson, Kailash Welfare Society and Student at School of Law, The University of Sheffield, UK