Need to Combat Fake News: A Global Priority in Digital Era

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Ms. Simran Choudhary
Dr. Asha Rani Rawat


The rise of social media and the digital age has led to the proliferation of fake news, a phenomenon that has significant consequences for individuals, society, and politics. Fake news can be defined as fabricated or misleading information presented as news, often spread rapidly and widely through social media channels, without adequate fact-checking or verification. Media literacy programs should be designed to educate individuals about the dangers of fake news and how to critically evaluate sources of information. Fact-checking initiatives should be supported to ensure that only accurate and reliable information is disseminated to the public.

This paper highlights the need for concerted efforts to combat fake news in the digital era. Media literacy, fact-checking, and regulation of social media platforms are essential components of any strategy to address the challenges posed by fake news. This paper contributes to the growing body of literature on fake news and provides valuable insights for policymakers, media professionals, and the general public.


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How to Cite
Ms. Simran Choudhary, & Dr. Asha Rani Rawat. (2024). Need to Combat Fake News: A Global Priority in Digital Era. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(4), 6643–6649.
Author Biographies

Ms. Simran Choudhary

PhD scholar, Department of Legal Studies, Banathali Vidyapith, Rajasthan,

Dr. Asha Rani Rawat

Assistant Professor, Department of Legal Studies, Banathali Vidyapith, Rajasthan