Strategies for developing emotional intelligence in Generation Z students in higher education in Ho Chi Minh City

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Nguyen Thi Ngoc Linh


Emotional intelligence (EI) plays a crucial role in the personal and professional development of individuals, and it has become increasingly important in the current educational landscape. Generation Z students, born between the mid-1990s and early 2010s, have unique characteristics and experiences that necessitate tailored strategies for developing their emotional intelligence in higher education settings. This abstract explores effective strategies for fostering emotional intelligence among Generation Z students in higher education. Firstly, creating a supportive and inclusive learning environment is vital for promoting emotional intelligence. Higher education institutions should prioritize cultivating a sense of belonging and psychological safety, providing students with opportunities to express their emotions, thoughts, and concerns freely. Incorporating cooperative learning activities, peer mentoring programs, and inclusive classroom discussions can enhance empathy, active listening, and conflict resolution skills. Secondly, integrating social-emotional learning (SEL) into the curriculum can be an effective strategy. By explicitly teaching emotional literacy, self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship skills, educators can equip Generation Z students with the necessary tools to navigate their emotions effectively. Incorporating SEL into various disciplines, such as through case studies, role-playing exercises, and reflective writing assignments, can reinforce emotional intelligence development across diverse academic subjects. Thirdly, leveraging technology as a tool for emotional intelligence development is crucial for Generation Z students. Educational platforms and applications can offer interactive resources, virtual simulations, and gamified experiences that engage students and encourage self-reflection. Additionally, digital tools can provide students with real-time feedback, self-assessment opportunities, and personalized learning experiences, enhancing their emotional intelligence competencies. Furthermore, fostering interpersonal connections and promoting face-to-face interactions are essential strategies in developing emotional intelligence. Generation Z students, often referred to as digital natives, may benefit from initiatives that encourage offline socialization, such as group projects, community engagement, and extracurricular activities. By fostering meaningful relationships, students can develop empathy, communication skills, and conflict resolution abilities. Lastly, educators and higher education institutions should prioritize their own emotional intelligence development. Modeling emotionally intelligent behaviors, practicing self-care, and demonstrating empathy towards students can create an environment conducive to emotional intelligence growth. Faculty training programs and professional development workshops can equip educators with the knowledge and skills necessary to support the emotional well-being and development of Generation Z students effectively.


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How to Cite
Nguyen Thi Ngoc Linh. (2024). Strategies for developing emotional intelligence in Generation Z students in higher education in Ho Chi Minh City. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(5), 2517–2522.
Author Biography

Nguyen Thi Ngoc Linh

Faculty of Tourism, Van Lang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam,