The Green Library Concept And Initiatives In India: A New Era

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Mr. Abhijit Mohanrao Patil
Dr. Ravikumar Jani


A library that was designed with the environment in mind is known as a "green library." This paper's study on green libraries uses their resources and programmes to inform the public about environmental concerns. Early in the 1990s, India saw the emergence of the idea of a green library. This study makes an effort to define the green library idea. There is currently a Digital Knowledge Centre with 35 internet-connected Ubuntu PCs. There are more than 37 libraries involved in the Delhi University Library System (DULS). The campus network makes as many as 64 excellent electronic databases accessible to professors, students, and researchers. Ingenious information literacy programmes are frequently offered by DULS for the benefit of students, researchers, and faculty. A server with terminals inside the library is connected to a local network at Calcutta University Library. The library's Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) provides databases of books, journals, theses, and dissertations, among other things. The University also offers access to over 7,000 electronic journals in addition to the aforementioned resources.


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How to Cite
Mr. Abhijit Mohanrao Patil, & Dr. Ravikumar Jani. (2024). The Green Library Concept And Initiatives In India: A New Era. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(5), 3604–3609.
Author Biographies

Mr. Abhijit Mohanrao Patil

Ph.D. Scholar, Parul University, Vadodara, Gujarat, India. Librarian, Yashwant Ayurvedic College, P.G.T.& R.C., Kodoli, Maharashtra

Contact: 7588621150, Orcid ID-

Dr. Ravikumar Jani

Ph.D. Supervisor, Parul University, Vadodara, Gujarat, India , Orcid ID-