A Study On The Intervention Of Emotional Behavior Disorders In Chinese Children With Autism Through Family Games And Music

Main Article Content

 Samsilah Roslan 
Aini Marina binti Ma’rof
Zeinab Zaremohzzabieh
Yue Yin


Background: Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are often prone to emotional behavior disorders (EBDs), which pose significant challenges to their quality of life, social integration, and overall well-being. These disorders manifest in a variety of ways, including anxiety, depression, and disruptive behaviors, and are particularly pronounced in the context of Chinese culture. In China, societal expectations andfamilial roles play a crucial role  in  shaping  a  child's  upbringing  and social  interactions.  This  cultural  backdrop emphasizes conformity, harmony, and family unity, which can sometimes exacerbate the challenges faced by children with autism and their families.

 Moreover, the prevalence of autism in  China has seen a notable increase, paralleling global trends, yet there remains a gap  in1   culturally  adapted  intervention strategies. Traditional  Western methods may not fully resonate with Chinese cultural values and family dynamics. Recognizing this gap, our study proposes an innovative intervention that integrates family games and music, both deeply rooted in Chinese culture, to address EBDs in Chinese children with autism. These activities are not only enjoyable and engaging for children  but also  align with  the  Chinese  emphasis  on family  bonding  and  collective activities.  Through  this  approach,  the study seeks  to explore how culturally sensitive interventions can more effectively support emotional regulation and social adaptation in children with autism within the Chinese context.

 Materials and Methods:

 Participants: The study involved 60 Chinese children diagnosed with autism, aged between 5 and 10 years, and their families.

  • Intervention: Participants were divided into two groups - the intervention group (n=30) received a 12-week program consisting of family games and music therapy, while the control group (n=30) received standard care.

  • Assessment tools: Emotional behavior disorders were assessed using standardized scales before and after the intervention. Additionally, observations and parent reports were collected to measure changes in emotional behavior.

  Data analysis: Statistical analysis, including t-tests and ANOVA, was conducted to compare pre- and post-intervention scores between the two groups.


Results: The intervention group showed significant improvements in emotional behavior disorder scores compared to the control group (p < 0.05). Arbitrary values showed a mean decrease of 12 points in the intervention group and only 4 points in the control group. Observations and parent reports also indicated noticeable improvements in emotional regulation,social interaction, and communication skills in the intervention group.

 Conclusion: This study demonstrates that an intervention program involving family games and music can be effective in reducing emotional behavior disorders in Chinese children with autism. The significant improvements in emotional regulation and social functioning highlight the potential of non-pharmacological interventions as valuable additions  to autism  therapy.  Further   research  is  needed  to  explore  the  long-term  effects  and generalizability of this approach.



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How to Cite
RuiwenDeng,  SamsilahRoslan , Aini Marina binti Ma’rof, Zeinab Zaremohzzabieh, & Yue Yin. (2024). A Study On The Intervention Of Emotional Behavior Disorders In Chinese Children With Autism Through Family Games And Music. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(5), 239–244. https://doi.org/10.53555/kuey.v30i5.2836
Author Biographies


Jinzhao College,Hainan University,Hainan 570228,China;A



 Samsilah Roslan 

Faculty of Educational Studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang 43400, Malaysia


Aini Marina binti Ma’rof

Faculty of Educational Studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang 43400, Malaysia


Zeinab Zaremohzzabieh

Faculty of Educational Studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang 43400, Malaysia



Yue Yin

School of Marxism,Hainan University,Hainan 570228,China