"Implementing The Revised Bloom's Taxonomy (2001) In Digital And Online Learning Environments: A Strategic Approach"

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Dr. R.S.S. Nehru
Dr. Sandra Gudino Paredes
Prof. Subhas Chandra Roy
Dr. Ton Quang Cuong
Dr. BUI Thi Thanh Huong


In the 21st century, the paramount importance of digital technology in education necessitates a transformative approach to pedagogy. This approach must seamlessly integrate modern digital devices and applications into the teaching and learning process. The overarching objective of improving students' learning competencies and outcomes serves as a constant guide for educational institutions and their stakeholders. Therefore, incorporating digital components into education must be aligned with these educational objectives. The foundation of effective teaching and learning lies in the clear delineation of learning objectives or outcomes. Everything else in the educational process revolves around these objectives, forming a meaningful framework for achieving them. In this context, integrating digital components into pedagogy assumes a critical role, reflecting the evolving nature of education.

This study focuses on a thorough analysis of Revised Bloom's Taxonomy (2001) to determine its seamless applicability in formulating teaching-learning objectives and learning outcomes that challenge learners' higher-order thinking skills in contemporary digitally enhanced pedagogy. This research, primarily theoretical, sheds light on how Revised Bloom's Taxonomy (2001) facilitates the categorization of learning activities based on learning objectives and underscores the crucial link between assessment and the teaching-learning process. Furthermore, this study delves into various alternative revisions of Bloom's Taxonomy, providing comprehensive insights into the 2001 version. The study underscores the imperative for educational institutions to assimilate Revised Bloom's Taxonomy (2001) principles into the evolving landscape of digital pedagogy when formulating objectives and learning outcomes. The authors recognise the challenges posed by current classroom technology limitations in a global context, which often hinder the attainment of the intended learning objectives educators envision. This research underscores the urgent need for harmonising Revised Bloom's Taxonomy (2001) and contemporary digital pedagogical approaches to ensure meaningful and effective learning outcomes.

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How to Cite
Dr. R.S.S. Nehru, Dr. Sandra Gudino Paredes, Prof. Subhas Chandra Roy, Dr. Ton Quang Cuong, & Dr. BUI Thi Thanh Huong. (2023). "Implementing The Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy (2001) In Digital And Online Learning Environments: A Strategic Approach". Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 29(2), 345–354. https://doi.org/10.53555/kuey.v29i2.2473
Author Biographies

Dr. R.S.S. Nehru

Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Sikkim University, Gangtok, Sikkim, India,& Post Doctoral Scholar (D.Litt. In Education), Sambalpur University, Sambalpur, Odisha, India;  

Dr. Sandra Gudino Paredes

Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico

Prof. Subhas Chandra Roy

Professor of Education, Northeast Regional Institute of Education (NERIE), NCERT, Umiam, Ri-Bhoi, Meghalaya, India

Dr. Ton Quang Cuong

Dean, Faculty of Educational Technology, University of Education, VNU-UEd, Hanoi, Vietnam

Dr. BUI Thi Thanh Huong

School of Interdisciplinary Sciences and Arts, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Vietnam