Published: 2022-04-10

Adoption Social Media- Movie Based Learning Project (SMMBL) To Engage Students' Online Environment

Muthmainnah, Ahmed J. Obaid, Raghda Salam Al.Mahdawi, Haitham Abbas Khalaf

22 - 36

School Management in Total Quality Management Perspective at Bina Latih Karya Vocational School Bandar Lampung-Indonesia

Eti Hadiati, Setiyo Setiyo, Diah Ayu Setianingrum, Agus Dwiyanto, Aditia Fradito


Contextual Teaching and Learning Strategies for Improving Metacognitive Skills of Students at SMP Negeri 2 Pamboang, Majene Regency

St. Wardah Hanafie Das, Iriani Ambar, Henni Sukmawati, Abdul Halik, LanriFebrianty M. Nunsi, Patmawati, Syawal Sitonda, Muhammad Idrus, Sudirman


The Role of Parents in Raising Children's Environmental Awareness and Attitudes

Khusniyati Masykuroh, Elindra Yetti, Yuliani Nurani


Escalation of Vocational Student Capabilities through Mapping of Humanware Skill and Infoware Skill Components in the Era of Society 5.0

Yoto Yoto, Andika Bagus Nur Rahma Putra, Alias Bin Masek, Anita Dwi Rahmawati, Nurul Ulfatin
